Dennis L. Siluk
“I sat quietly, and watched the night weeping in—
Lonely from some eerie dark, unknown to man.
Lo! Beneath the dome of heaven, grit with crept… ” (30 May)
Phillip A. Ellis
“Ageless we are, ageless yet mortal fall,
stretching beyond all sight,
unto our retinue daylight will call,… ” (30 May)
Phillip A. Ellis
“I have dreamt of love and dreamt war,
and have dreamt of life and dreamt death,
and in dreaming sought a pure peace… ” (30 May)
Phillip A. Ellis
“Dream tonight, dream tonight,
dreams of sweet joy, release;
kisses sweet give delight,… ” (30 May)
Phillip A. Ellis
“In fair Zothique, the maids seek
loves to last a day
and sorcerors cantrips speak,… ” (30 May)
Phillip A. Ellis
“I'm of death's reckoning, flesh
that decays downwards to mere dust
in an age countless, unless sun… ” (30 May)
Zhar's Cantadora - Lloigor Hymn #5
Frederick J. Mayer
“Dark hours
dark flowers
strange fires… ” (29 April)
Zhar's Epistle #7: Sleeping With Mad Shadows
Frederick J. Mayer
“Darkest wet blue blood flowing
softness sky
Broken mirror stars flamming… ” (29 April)
Phillip A. Ellis
“His voice is stilled
and silent now;
gone is the will… ” (29 April)
Phillip A. Ellis
“As all things shall die,
so then I must fly
to find… ” (29 April)
Phillip A. Ellis
“Love me, my lamia, languidly lathe me and make me yours, take, break
wilfulness wicked and wild, silence enfolding us whole.… ” (29 April)
Phillip A. Ellis
“"Between the will
and the word lies
wisdom," he said,… ” (29 April)
Phillip A. Ellis
“Beauty is silent: birds
when tongueless and dumb, won
over to stillness from words,… ” (29 April)
Phillip A. Ellis
“Butterflies, O ye that pass
from bloom to bloom, and forever past
deserts of fallow grass,… ” (29 April)
Lioiger Hymn #6: 'Night Lover'
Frederick J. Mayer
“O Great Lady, who didn't come into being
in the sky, who art mighty,
Who does make happy, and dost fill ever being… ” (30 March)
Zhar's Epistle #8: 'Queen Zee Rei's Sphinx House Eyes'
Frederick J. Mayer
“See my eyes
see my eyes
as I lay on this bed… ” (30 March)
Phillip A. Ellis
“Spring, the sweet Spring, may be year's pleasant king,
but my Lady I love is fair Fall from above.… ” (30 March)
Phillip A. Ellis
“Love, let me lay down beside,
surrender unto your tide,
and flow… ” (30 March)
Phillip A. Ellis
“Be crowned with light, O my heart, whose fairest dreams long to lodge
within hers, rubied, to glitter fair words. Dream, dream, O heart:
the night but wearies and worries, lays low. Come, forth to find… ” (30 March)
Phillip A. Ellis
“Such sweetness I would find--
time is fair, undefined,
… ” (30 March)