Zhar's Epistle #7: Sleeping With Mad Shadows

Frederick J. Mayer

Darkest wet blue blood flowing
softness sky
Broken mirror stars flamming
up on high
Bless the soul sad of diamond
candle light
I like moth to star striving
fiery flight
Cacophony of silence
Mournful fluid arising
  carol bliss
Atrical song and sun burst
finger tips
Insinuate their way to
touch my lips
Flowing crimson hair strands viens
blood pulsates
Brain transcends body and stays
peace creates
Infinite fingers coiling
All about my being soul
and bringing
Me down to desert night sea...
Strangeless colors made of tears
Insane says its dark down here
with some hope
Yellow and red lizard sings
soft The End
Guns fire smoke roadrunner near
once again
Gets no crimson meat thristy
flows evening
Mysteries of the dark sun
eyes pressing
Dark sun glasses death head stares
Tranformation dark paradise
Arizona Far Eastern
Tears of Eros glass diamonds
Sympathy symphony from
  Faith's gold horn
Saving, apocalyptic
  music born
Cyclopaedia voices...
Holy Fool body and soul
upon hill
listening Glow of dark stars
outland will
desert garden of delights
  subtle sphere
Christian Isis unveiling
ears to hear
tongue her flower entices
horn of spheres
Red Mists rises to greet warm
evening here
Angel or frangrant demon
I don't care
future in hole of dying
old whore fair
red tide twilight eucharist
  blood hues night
of Dissolution creature
heads praise flight
ears to hear all subtle sounds
swirl up mound
One of fool sees through her breasts
  soft full round
through her tender exposed ribs
raw fleshless
passes sand rocks turning forth
cavern of the heart diamond
my chrysalis ending no
grounding me
I am now Dark Butterfly.

TRANS. NOTE: One must be careful here when seeing the word "epistle." Neither Lloigor or Zhar send/write them directly...during the most holy of Holy Tcho Tcho "necromantic/neuromantic mysterieuses" rituals that only a select few participate, after the gods have entered/intercoursed with them, some speak in the name of either/both of the twin gods. These spawned messages become epistles from Lloigor and/or Zhar.

Translation from the Tcho Tcho people's holiest of books, GUMI-GAN-OK CHAEK ("Book of Cracked Jade"), by Dr. Koh Rei-am.

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