Poetry Tributes to Clark Ashton Smith

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Phillip A. Ellis

“Beneath the stars that furl in shapes
and beasts and men who march on high,
the cynogriffons glide and fly
… ” (31 May)

Phillip A. Ellis

“Oh, poet-prophet, lord of eldritch verse,
from what unearthly land did you arise?
To what mephitic muse in Auburn's skies
… ” (30 April)

Phillip A. Ellis

“Listen, my love, to the evening breeze. It whispers softly, as
it rises from the world's dead verge where waters turn into
endless plains of ice.
… ” (31 March)

Ron Shiflet

“Through shadowed aeons I pursue Zothique
For man's ultimate fate to discover,
This last continent with answers I seek,
… ” (31 March)

Ron Shiflet

“Fabled Zothique's hated necromancers
Can readily secure knowledge they seek,
Flesh of the corpses provide the answers
… ” (31 March)

Ron Shiflet

“The Ring of Eibon, forged with reddish stone
And set with a gemstone of purple hue,
Contained a demon of whom it was known,
… ” (31 March)


Boyd Pearson

“Tsathoggua did gurgle,
about the thief of the 39th girdle.
Who was the infamous Satampra Zeiros,
… ” (22 September)

Ron Shiflet

“Oh Lord Tsathoggua or perhaps Saint Toad,
From Saturn you have traveled to the Earth.
Serpent men of Yoth first traveled your road
… ” (26 August)

Boyd Pearson

“It was on a moonless night as dark as pitch,
that Malygris cast his runic spell.
For endless aeons tarried body lich,
… ” (26 July)

Ron Shiflet

“I left Commoriom before daybreak
To seek the Voormis, yet avoid death.
Perhaps a foolish quest to undertake,
… ” (25 July)

Ron Shiflet

“On Xiccarph tales are told about a maze,
Some say "a place of elfin fantasies."
When lost, the minutes slowly turn to days,
… ” (20 July)

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