Opus 1985

Phillip A. Ellis

I have dreamt of love and dreamt war,
and have dreamt of life and dreamt death,
and in dreaming sought a pure peace
that my fever fall and die down,
and in dreaming sought a new name
that my fame be far and wide worn--
for I've dreamt my dreams and fame fell
as a star is strewn upon Earth,
as a star is strewn and cast down
to the dust and cold of old Earth--
for all flesh will fall and death dun
will appraise and take all frail flesh,
will uprise and rend all frail flesh,
and I dreamt of life and dreamt death
as a sun that summons sheer shades
of a blackness true, and hue bleak,
for I've dreamt my dreams and night knows
I have dreamt of love and dreamt war,
and have dreamt of life and dreamt death,
and in dreaming sought a pure peace
that my fever fall and die down.

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