From Clark Ashton Smith To George Sterling (6 October)
“Your card and letter at hand. I am glad you like the photograph, but really, it isn't a very good one. To me the eye… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To George Sterling (12 December)
“This isn't to remind you that you haven't reported yet on the poems that I sent you in October, for I am sure you have… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To George Sterling (12 April)
“I must first thank you for your lovely sonnets. I blush to think that "The Coming Singer" is meant for me, for I have not… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To George Sterling (28 April)
“Many thanks for your sonnets! Both are good, and I can't criticize except to say that I like "Respite" a little the better of the… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To George Sterling (26 May)
“I've just received your letter, and the clipping from the Transcript. Your ode seems to me by all odds the best of the lot; the… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To George Sterling (9 June)
“I think you are the "outstanding comrade." I'm sincerely surprised by your judgement of Nero, even though I find, on re-reading it, that it doesn't… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Sam Loveman (1 May)
“ … ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Sam Loveman (10 November)
“… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Sam Loveman (1 April)
“… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (12 August)
“Cleveland, Ohio
August 12, 1922 My dear Mr. Smith:—I trust you will pardon the liberty taken by an absolute stranger in writing you, for I… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (27 September)
“Sept. 27, 1922 598 Angell St. My dear Mr. Smith:--It is needless to say that I was vastly pleased to receive your reply to my… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (12 November)
“598 Angell St. November 12, 1922 Dear Mr. Smith:--.....The enclosed published series, Herbert West—Reanimator, represents my poorest work—stuff done to order for a vulgar magazine,… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (2 December)
“598 Angell St. Dec. 2, 1922 Dear Mr. Smith:--I decided to wait till the whole story (The Lurking Fear) was done before sending you anything,… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (11 January)
“598 Angell St.
Jany. 11, 1923 My dear Smith:--I am indeed glad the California press is cordial toward the book—even if the critics have to… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (25 March)
“598 Angell St.
March 25, 1923 My dear Smith:--My card sent from Salem last month attempted in a feeble way to express the delirious delight… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Frank Belknap Long (7 July)
“It seems incredible that I have had your last letter on my desk for over a month without answering it. I have been busy, for… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (30 July)
“598 Angell St.
July 30, 1923 My dear Smith:--.....I shall be 33 next month, & am already falling into the role of the comfortable, benevolent… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (17 October)
“598 Angell St.
Octr. 17, 1923 My dear Smith:--.....Galpin is a case. With the most brilliant, accurate, steel-cold intellect I have ever encountered, he is… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (25 January)
“598 Angell St.
Jany. 25, 1924 My dear Smith:—. . . . . Like you, I don't know anyone who is at all congenial here;… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (1 September)
“169 Clinton St.,
Brooklyn, N.Y. (c. Sept 1, 1925) My dear Smith:-....Most certainly, the abysses of interstellar space from your province par excellence, & I… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (20 September)
“169 Clinton St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y. Septr. 20, 1925 My dear Smith:—I enclose the newest of my tales, which (as oddity would have it) I've… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From Edwin Markham (20 September)
“West New Brighton, N.Y.
September 20, 1925My dear Clark Ashton Smith:A few days ago I sent you a copy of The Literary Review of New York… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (9 October)
“169 Clinton St.
Brooklyn, N. Y. Octr. 9, 1925 Dear C A S:—. . . . . No-I've never read any of the jargon of… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (27 December)
“Brooklyn N. Y December 27, 1925. Dear CAS:-Yes - Loveman said that De Casseries (whom I haven't met) was getting in to pretty close &… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (9 February)
“169 Clinton St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y. Feby. 9, 1926 Dear CAS:But if psychological encouragement have any physical effect, your pictures ought to make you rebound… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (14 May)
“10 Barnes St.
May 14, 1926Dear C A S:—I was very glad to hear from you, & agree that poetry & painting are complementary rather than… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (17 June)
“10 Barnes St June 17, 1926 Dear C A S:—I have not been writing fiction lately—not because the lack of recognition means anything to me… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (9 August)
“10 Barnes St. Aug. 9, 1926 Dear C A S:—I haven't read The Silver Stallion yet, but may in time. Irony used to interest me… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (12 October)
“Octbr. 12, 1926 10 Barnes St. Dear C A S:—I was very glad to hear from you, & to receive the critique I have so… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (29 October)
“10 Barnes St. Octr. 29, 1926 Dear C A S:—...... This Wandrei must certainly be an interesting character, having the tastes he does; & I'm… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (16 November)
“10 Barnes St. Novr. 16, 1926 Dear C A S:—As to romanticism & fantasy—I myself dislike the former except in the latter form. To me… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (11 December)
“10 Barnes St. Decr. 11 1926 Dear C A S:—Sterling's death was indeed an unfortunate thing for the arts, though I presume he was himself… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (21 January)
“10 Barnes St. Jany. 21, 1927 Dear C.A.S:—Your letter arrived yesterday—& meanwhile you no doubt have my postal commenting on Wandrei's work. I was really… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (18 February)
“10 Barnes St. Feby. 18, 1927 Dear C A S:—.......... New York is too far removed from the main stream of any one civilisation to… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (15 March)
“10 Barnes St. March 15, 1927 Dear C A S:—.......... Weird Tales has just accepted his Twilight of Time, (which Wright wants to rename The… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (24 March)
“March 24, 1927 Dear C A S:—I've just written a new tale—or atmospheric study—which I'll shew you when I get it typed. It's called The… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (19 April)
“To: Clark Ashton Smith
Box 385,
California. “Still another conclave! Wandrei & Belhuap are both in their respective heavens… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (12 May)
“May 12, 1927 Dear C A S:—Enclosed is The Colour Out of Space, which you can return at your convenience. It lacks compactness & climax,… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (3 June)
“June 3, 1927 Dear C A S:—Pardon the paper—but I'm writing in the open air, in a park-like embankment overlooking the outspread roofs & antient… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (24 June)
“June 24, 1927 Dear C A S:Chambers is like Rupert Hughes & a few other fallen Titans—equipped with the right brains & education, but wholly… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft and Donald Wandrei (14 July)
“ Postcard reads:Clark Ashton Smith, Esq., Box 388, Auburn, California -addressed in Lovecraft's hand.Postmarked:Newport, R.I.,… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (15 July)
“10 Barnes St. July 15, 1927 Dear C A S:—Wandrei is a great boy, & you will certainly be glad when he makes that future… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (2 August)
“10 Barnes St. August 2, 1927 Dear C A S:—I was exceedingly pleased to hear of your vivid vacation, & can picture something of the… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (30 August)
“ Aug 30, 1927Working slowly homeward via the quaintest towns I can find. Portsmouth yesterday,… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (1 October)
“10 Barnes St. Oct. 1, 1927 Dear CAS:-Your letter arrived very opportunely, amidst the carnival of fantastic enjoyment caused by the paintings which Wandrei forwarded… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (15 October)
“10 Barnes St. Octr. 15, 1927 Dear C A S:—As to futility & work—I have come to the comfortably elderly condition of not caring a… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (27 November)
“10 Barnes St. Novr. 27, 1927 Dear C A S:-I have had no chance to produce new material this autumn, but have been classifying notes… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (31 January)
“10 Barnes St. Jany. 31, 1928 Dear C A S:—O'Brien isn't going to reprint The Colour Out of Space, but merely wants to mention me… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (20 March)
“I am sorry your revisory work ties you down so much, and gives you so little time for creative effort, But I know how it… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (19 April)
“10 Barnes St. April 19, 1928 Dear C A S:—just now I'm feeling rather like a Californian, because I have old de Castro's memoirs of… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (27 May)
“There isn't much news — I've been picking fruit for… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From Donald Wandrei and Samuel Loveman (1 July)
“… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (31 August)
“August 31, 1928 To Klarkash-Ton, High-Priest of Atlantis, All Hail!I have managed to snatch the time to write one new tale—which is now in Dwyer's… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (22 March)
“March 22, 1929 Dear C A S:—I was exceedingly glad to receive yours of the 10th, with the sheaf of delectable poetry enclosed. There isn't… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (14 April)
“April 14, 1929 My dear Klarkash-Ton:—Yes—that letter from a witch-descendant was rather unusual, & I am still hoping for dark data when she gets ready… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (5 October)
“early Oct., 1929 Dear C A S:—By the way—if you want to see a new story which is practically mine, read The Curse of Yig… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (26 November)
“By far the best news in your last letter is the intimation that you may do some new original work. I think you would be… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (1 December)
“Dec-3, 1929 To Klarkash-Ton, High-Priest of Tsathoggua, Greetings:—I must not delay in expressing my well-nigh delirious delight at The Tale of Satampra Zeiros—which has veritably… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (10 December)
“[. . .] I am astounded at the scope of some of your "revisory" labors! I fervently hope you will soon have time for something… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (19 December)
“10 Barnes St. Dece. 19, 1929 Dear C. A. S.:—By this time I trust that Belknap has safely returned Satampra Zeiros. The enclosures preceding this… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (9 January)
“I enjoyed your last letter hugely — also, F.B.L,'s improvisation, his design for "Satampra Zeiros",… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (17 January)
“10 Barnes St. Jany. 17, 1930 Dear Klarkash-Ton:—. . . . Thanks for the Carlsbad Cavern cutting—it was of unusual interest because I have long… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (27 January)
“"The Statement of Randolph Carter" is even better than I had remembered it as being — which is saying a good deal. The atmosphere and… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (2 February)
“10 Barnes St. Feby. 2, 1930 Dear C A S:—Oh—here are my Yuggothian Fungi, to be returned at leisure. Nothing notable about them—but they at… ”
To Clark Ashton Smith From H. P. Lovecraft (27 February)
“10 Barnes St. Feby. 27, 1930 Dear Klarkash-Ton:—And now let me thank you most profoundly & eloquently in advance for those bits of dinosaur bone… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (11 March)
“Your delightful letter was most welcome, as always; and I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed the stories, "The Silver Key" is my… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (23 April)
“Your southern pasear sounds marvellously inviting, and I know you will enjoy it. Wandrei writes me that he… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (27 June)
“The last… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (30 July)
“I received the stories some time back, and have re-read both of them several times with revived appreciation. I think "Cthulhu" is my favorite —… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (22 August)
“[. . .] "Andromeda" appears next month in Wonder Stories, according to the editors. Also, they want me to do a series of tales about… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (15 September)
“Thanks for the tales, both of which are like old friends. "Polaris" is indeed a haunting fantasy; and there are stupendous and supremely original imaginative… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (10 October)
“I hope you have received ere this the nameless, pre-human statuette of a divinity who must have come down from ulterior stars and planets with… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (21 October)
“I am marvellously pleased and enchanted by your new story, [1] which is a most worthy compere of "The Call of Cthulhu" and "The… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (24 October)
“I, too, surmised that the simulachre might well prove to be an ultramundane and pre-human representation of Tsathoggua, but hardly dared to venture my surmise… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (10 November)
“Your idea for an interplanetary tale is tremendous. Most interplanetary yarns might as well have been laid on earth — as far as I can… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (16 November)
“First of all, to thank you for the loan of The House of Souls, [1]… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (15 December)
“My obeisances to the eidolon, whether it be Tsathoggua, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth — or the eikonistic manifestation of the whole dreadful… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (5 January)
“Salutations to a companion in misery! Measles and chicken-pox (I managed to have those at the proper age, along with scarlet fever) are surely an… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (27 January)
“I was greatly pleased and gratified by your reaction to "Carnby" -- a tale to which I devoted much thought. The more veiled ending you… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (23 February)
“"Manifold and multiform are the horrors that infest the visible ways and the ways unseen. They sleep beneath the unturned stone; they rise with the… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Astounding Stories (1 July)
“I have purchased many of the issues of your magazine, and have read everything in Them, including the letter columns with great interest. I have… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (5 August)
“Your letter came just as I was on the point of writing you to express my… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (20 August)
“I received Wandrei's story [1] and your card some days ago. The story is excellent, with a strong ending; but I agree with you… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (20 October)
“[. . . Wright] wants me to speed up the first half of "The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis", on the plea that many of his readers… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (5 November)
“The card, like the others you have sent from time to time, was very alluring;… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (1 March)
“Yes, "Innsmouth" [1] has an atmosphere that one can't shake off in a hurry. I can still smell and taste it! I think that… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (15 March)
“Yes, "Innsmouth" has an atmosphere that one can't shake off in a hurry. I can still smell and taste it! I… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (15 March)
“I certainly share your despair in regard to ever finding a serviceable fountain-pen — it's the main reason why I have taken to typing most… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (15 March)
“No, thank Tsathoggua, the snowstorm didn't arrive. But our recent weather,… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (5 April)
“[.… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (5 April)
“We have been getting typical April weather here — the proverbial showers and sunshine. The flowers are all a week or two earlier than usual;… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (15 September)
“As a result of your instigation, I have striven, with all due necromantic rites, and the burning of Arabian gums in censers well greened with… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Lester Anderson (27 November)
“ … ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (1 March)
“I am glad you are going to let Wright use "The Dreams in the Witch House"[1] and I look forward tremendously to the tale's… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (1 September)
“Thanks for the view of Hope College, which gives a very… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (20 September)
“Thanks for the picture of the Carlsbad subteruanea! It certainly looks like an adytum of that Hyperborean underworld through which the Csmmoriom magistrate and mighty… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (15 October)
“I return the Ullman-Knopf communication herewith. Knopf should remove the Borzoi from his imprint, and substitute either the Golden Calf or a jackass with brazen… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (15 November)
“This letter would have been written sometime ago if it were not for my program of nursing, doctoring, general housework, etc. My mother's burn is… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (4 December)
“I have just finished reading "The Thing on the Doorstep" for the second time, and am re-impressed by its power. The theme is carefully developed… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (20 January)
“Returning to Merritt, [1] if you will give me his address, I'll be very glad to send him a copy of The Double Shadow… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (5 March)
“[. . .] I have, by the way, received the new Machen book, The Green Round, and have read it with mixed reactions. It is… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (4 May)
“From: Clark… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (19 May)
“[. . .] Price went back to Oakland, after several sessions under the mystic oak, and initiations into the technique of gold mining. Hope he… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Richard Searight (24 May)
“Dear Mr. Searight:
Miss Ione Weber, 41 East 38th St., New York City, is the attorney whom Mr. Lovecraft mentioned to you. She collects debts… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (16 June)
“[. . .] I have done what I could toward elucidating the genealogy of Tsathoggua, and am sending Ar-E'ch-Bei the result of my delvings into… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Robert Barlow (16 June)
“I have made up a package of drawings to loan you and will mail it the first of the week. I might have done this… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Lester Anderson (31 July)
“It certainly looks as if my answer to your letter were a somewhat delayed "quarterly." In the meanwhile, history has been adding a few glosses… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Robert Barlow (10 September)
“I fear you have thought me damnably remiss In regard to the letter which I promised you so long ago. But the Truth that my… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To H. P. Lovecraft (27 November)
“I might have written before this, but have been stayed by the realization that you press of correspondence is no doubt far heavier than mine.… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To August Derleth (23 March)
“The news of Lovecraft's death seems incredible and nightmarish, and I cannot adjust myself to it. The few meager details in my possession I owe… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To August Derleth (30 March)
“I am very glad to hear of the project for an omnibus volume of HPL's work, and am particularly pleased that the task of arrangement,… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To August Derleth (6 April)
“I am very glad to hear that matters are progressing satisfactorily, and hope you will get in personal touch with Barlow. Re manuscripts: I have… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To August Derleth (9 April)
“It is painful to think of that last month and the agonies evinced in the diary.[1] Wright said something about morphine being administered at… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To August Derleth (13 April)
“To the best of my knowledge and belief, HPL, in creating the Cthulhu mythology, can have owed nothing more to Poe, Bierce and Chambers than… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To August Derleth (14 April)
“In going through old letters and papers, I came across the April, 1921 issue of The United Co-operative, in which "The Crawling Chaos" was originally… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To August Derleth (21 April)
“I have one or two suggestions to offer anent the contents of the primary Lovecraft collection. If a choice is necessary between "The Tomb" and… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To August Derleth (28 April)
“From what you say, the instructions as to preservation and arrangement of stories must… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To August Derleth (13 May)
“Herewith the draft of your Commentary on HPL, which seems to cover the main points. His modesty about his own work was excessive, to say… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Virgil Finlay (15 May)
“I was delighted to receive your letter - doubly so since I have had it in mind to write you for some time past. Ever… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Robert Barlow (16 May)
“I received the book on Beddoes which you sent me from… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Virgil Finlay (13 June)
“Your letter of last month was extremely welcome and interesting, and I appreciated seeing the enclosures. I should have answered far more promptly, but seem… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Virgil Finlay (27 September)
“I'd have written long before this except for an uncommonly strenuous program. During July and August my working day usually extended from 6 in the… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Robert Barlow (5 July)
“Finally, though with some doubt as to their suitability for your purpose, I am mailing you a few of my smaller landscape paintings and drawings.… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Samel. J. Sackett (30 June)
“Dear Mr. Sackett:
Thanks for your letter and the enclosed check. I was indeed glad to hear from you. I haven't any ash-trays at the… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To William N. Austin (19 July)
“The copy of The Double Shadow… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To Samel. J. Sackett (11 July)
“Your data are substantially correct, apart from a few minor points. Poe, not Omar Khayya., was the first poet who impressed me, and I'll never… ”
From Clark Ashton Smith To L. Sprague de Camp (21 October)
“As for my education, that's easy enough… ”