“… �? (30 August)
William Foster Elliot
“Ebony and Crystal by Clark Ashton Smith: The Auburn Journal Press, California, $2A volume has just been issued from the press of the Auburn Journal… �? (5 May)
Dr Hermes
“From the October 1954 issue of THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION, this is an unexpected treat. "Clark Ashton Smith?" I muttered, "I guess… �? (28 September)
Dr Hermes
“Having spent most of my life reading, I have a reasonably adequate vocabulary but a story by Clark Ashton Smith is a real test of… �? (1 April)
The Last Oblivion and The Black Diamonds (Book Review)
Charles De Lint
“The Last Oblivion, by Clark Ashton Smith, Hippocampus Press, 2002, $15.The Black Diamonds, by Clark Ashton Smith, Hippocampus Press, 2002, $15.If, however, you're already an… �? (1 March)
Review: The Colossus of Ylourgne
Dr Hermes
“From the June 1934 issue of WEIRD TALES, this is one of Clark Ashton Smith's longer tales. "The Colossus of Ylourgne" is a Monster On… �? (1 March)
Review: The Beast of Averoigne
Dr Hermes
“Lately, I've been rediscovering Clark Ashton Smith. The problem was that when I first started reading his stories, I was too young and got the… �? (1 February)
The Double Shadow. (Book Review)
Charles De Lint
“The Double Shadow, by Clark Ashton Smith, Wildside Press, 2003, $15. Let me get my carps out of the way first: The Double Shadow has,… �? (1 February)
Review: The Books of Clark Ashton Smith, Joseph Bell, ed.
Stefan Dziemianowicz
“Soft Books (89 Marion St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6R 1E6), 1987, $8.95 You wouldn't think Clark Ashton Smith had generated enough bibliographic material to fill… �? (1 November)
Review: The Dweller in the Gulf and Mother of Toads, by Clark Ashton Smith
Stefan Dziemianowicz
“Necronomicon Press, 1987, $2.50In his annotation to a letter dated March 1, 1933, in Clark Ashton Smith: Letters to H.P. Lovecraft, Steve Behrends notes: "Upon… �? (1 November)
Donald A Wandrei
“"This may be a little too much of praise of Clark Ashton Smith, but at least it will bring comment and that is what we… �? (1 October)
Atlantis, Xiccarph: Review of Lost Worlds
Marjorie Farber
“This is the latest in a series of occult writings which Arkham House has been exhuming from the pages of Weird Tales, Wonder Stories, Strange… �? (1 October)
Recontextualising Klarkash-Ton
Phillip A. Ellis
“The last oblivion: best fantastic poems of Clark Ashton Smith (New York : Hippocampus Press, 2002) ISBN 0-9673215-5-7 $15.00It is a rare, and welcome, event… �? (1 March)
Unnumbered Reviews #3: Clark Ashton Smith
Dani Zweig
“The Big Three fantasists in the 1930s were H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, and Clark Ashton Smith. Smith was probably the best wordsmith of the… �? (1 February)
August Derleth and Donald Wandrei
“Clark Ashton Smith was born on January 13th, 1893, in Long Valley, California. He began to write at the comparatively early age of eleven. Apart… �? (1 February)
Ken Ichigawa
“How few amongst us will come to The Star-Treader and Other Poemswill open eyes and unsullied hearts. Who, at this very late date, has anyinterest… �? (1 February)
Michael A. Arnzen
“Advanced review of THE LAST OBLIVION: Best Fantastic Poems of Clark Ashton Smith. Edited by S. T. Joshi and David E. Schultz.Many people reading this… �? (1 April)
Contemporary Reviews of The Star-Treader and Other Poems Edited and Annotated
Scott Connors
“From "The Spectator" Town Talk, the Pacific Weekly No. 1056 (November 16, 1912), 12-13:"The Star-Treader"Clark Ashton Smith, the Auburn boy for whom puberty and poetry… �? (1 March)
Errata to: 'Strange Shadows: The Uncollected Fiction and Essays of Clark Ashton Smith'
Steve Behrends, Rah Hoffman and Donald Sidney-Fryer
“ Page Paragraph Currently Reads Should Read As xv 2 but also… �? (1 August)
The Emperor of Dreams by Clark Ashton Smith Review
Mark Greener
“Despite being one of the great three Weird Tales writers, Clark Ashton Smith is less well known than either Robert E. Howard or Howard P.… �? (1 July)