Reviews of Clark Ashton Smith's Works'

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“… �? (30 August)


William Foster Elliot

“Ebony and Crystal by Clark Ashton Smith: The Auburn Journal Press, California, $2A volume has just been issued from the press of the Auburn Journal… �? (5 May)


Dr Hermes

“From the October 1954 issue of THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION, this is an unexpected treat. "Clark Ashton Smith?" I muttered, "I guess… �? (28 September)

Dr Hermes

“Having spent most of my life reading, I have a reasonably adequate vocabulary but a story by Clark Ashton Smith is a real test of… �? (1 April)

Charles De Lint

“The Last Oblivion, by Clark Ashton Smith, Hippocampus Press, 2002, $15.The Black Diamonds, by Clark Ashton Smith, Hippocampus Press, 2002, $15.If, however, you're already an… �? (1 March)

Dr Hermes

“From the June 1934 issue of WEIRD TALES, this is one of Clark Ashton Smith's longer tales. "The Colossus of Ylourgne" is a Monster On… �? (1 March)

Dr Hermes

“Lately, I've been rediscovering Clark Ashton Smith. The problem was that when I first started reading his stories, I was too young and got the… �? (1 February)

Charles De Lint

“The Double Shadow, by Clark Ashton Smith, Wildside Press, 2003, $15. Let me get my carps out of the way first: The Double Shadow has,… �? (1 February)


Stefan Dziemianowicz

“Soft Books (89 Marion St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6R 1E6), 1987, $8.95 You wouldn't think Clark Ashton Smith had generated enough bibliographic material to fill… �? (1 November)

Stefan Dziemianowicz

“Necronomicon Press, 1987, $2.50In his annotation to a letter dated March 1, 1933, in Clark Ashton Smith: Letters to H.P. Lovecraft, Steve Behrends notes: "Upon… �? (1 November)

Donald A Wandrei

“"This may be a little too much of praise of Clark Ashton Smith, but at least it will bring comment and that is what we… �? (1 October)

Marjorie Farber

“This is the latest in a series of occult writings which Arkham House has been exhuming from the pages of Weird Tales, Wonder Stories, Strange… �? (1 October)


Phillip A. Ellis

“The last oblivion: best fantastic poems of Clark Ashton Smith (New York : Hippocampus Press, 2002) ISBN 0-9673215-5-7 $15.00It is a rare, and welcome, event… �? (1 March)

Dani Zweig

“The Big Three fantasists in the 1930s were H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, and Clark Ashton Smith. Smith was probably the best wordsmith of the… �? (1 February)

August Derleth and Donald Wandrei

“Clark Ashton Smith was born on January 13th, 1893, in Long Valley, California. He began to write at the comparatively early age of eleven. Apart… �? (1 February)

Ken Ichigawa

“How few amongst us will come to The Star-Treader and Other Poemswill open eyes and unsullied hearts. Who, at this very late date, has anyinterest… �? (1 February)


Michael A. Arnzen

“Advanced review of THE LAST OBLIVION: Best Fantastic Poems of Clark Ashton Smith. Edited by S. T. Joshi and David E. Schultz.Many people reading this… �? (1 April)

Scott Connors

“From "The Spectator" Town Talk, the Pacific Weekly No. 1056 (November 16, 1912), 12-13:"The Star-Treader"Clark Ashton Smith, the Auburn boy for whom puberty and poetry… �? (1 March)


Steve Behrends, Rah Hoffman and Donald Sidney-Fryer

“ Page Paragraph Currently Reads Should Read As xv 2 but also… �? (1 August)

Mark Greener

“Despite being one of the great three Weird Tales writers, Clark Ashton Smith is less well known than either Robert E. Howard or Howard P.… �? (1 July)

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