To slytte, at ye Momente of pæderastick Paroxysme, ye Throate of thy Mounte, pourynge ye Whyle ye steamynge Flux of thy Senna-stimulated Bowelles, this, & onlye this, is to summonne Her. She shalle take ye Aspecte of a Kourotrophus yf She be well pleased with thy Ritualle, claspynge to Her pediculotick Dugges Her conioynt & bawlynge Sonnes, Merde-arsed Pygopagé. Her Gowne shalle be freshlye dyed with Meconium, & there shalle wafte to thee commingled with ye wette Reeke of this ye headye Fumette of ye throttled Rattes with whych Her dropsicall Waiste shalle be circumcingled; at Ancle & Wryste shalle clatter to ye tremulous Rhythms of Her Senilitye dryed & gylded Scybala; about Her Browe shalle glister ye freshe Tænia of a Tape-Worme; from ye grumous Portalls of Her gapynge Cunnus shalle squirte in irregular Enuresis ye steamynge Pilimictio ouerfillynge sempiternouslye ye sacred Po between Her squamous Feete.
Haste thou a Questione, Her carious Mouthe shalle ope vpon thee whyle yt is yett vnspoken, for She shalle diuine ye secrett Desires of thine Hearte: Her paludall Breathe shalle blast vpon thee & Her Tongue, well noded with porphyrous Lyssæ, shalle wrythe vpon ye Gyttja risynge from Her nomous Throate, splatterynge ye Ayre with a visible Mephitis of Syllabification. Her Voyce shalle be at once a Rhonchus & a Stridor, ye basse Crepitus of crumblynge Cloacæ, ye insectiuorous Seekynge-Songes of sewerous Flitter-Myce: thou shalte vnderstande not a Worde, but yt shalle write vpon thine Hearte in ye candescent Letters of a præ-Etrurian Scrypte ye Answeare to thy Supplications.
Aye, yt is so, yt is giuen, al shalle be eternally thine: thine ye shytte-sphynxed Arse of ye mulatto Bratte in ye throbbynge Flatte beneathe! thine ye vnplumed Quimmes of ye pisse-blonde Payre from ye Video Rentalle! thine ye milke-eager Mouthe of thy Step-Sister's Babe! thine al, al thine, yf thou but acknowledge Her Queene of This Worlde.