In my poetry I shall tell of the trials, woes, and joys—
To time yet unborn
Of sleep and death that lie ahead
and of strange music
As He beckons the world to his command,
In the haunting gloom of twilight—.
Somewhere I lost my passing grace, and there you stood—
Thou deadliest face
For a time: to tell the hearts unrest: in mercies unconfused
As He beckons the world to his command,
In the haunting gloom of twilight—.
To whom the unceasing fires belong (an inviolable heart)—
Numbered is thy consequence
A hymn, He hums: trembles the evening—of frozen flesh
As he beckons the world to his command,
In the haunting gloom of twilight—.
Silent I turn from time, that holds dominion over all—
As Orion’s sword passes by
Gives way to the Devils hostile Firmament: warfare
As He beckons the world to his command,
In the haunting gloom of twilight—.
Unarmed, He and I stand (like mindless clay) in the sun—
Awaiting the darkness
A sacrificial past for him, over Orion’s distinct sword
As He beckons the world to his command,
In the haunting gloom of twilight—.