Clark Ashton Smith (1893-1961), perhaps best known today for his association with H.P Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos, is in his own right a unique master of fantasy, horror and science-fiction. Highly imaginative, his genre-spanning visions of worlds beyond, combined with his profound understanding of the English language, have inspired an ever -increasing legion of fans and admirers.
For most of his life, he lived in physical and intellectual isolation in Auburn, California (USA). Predominantly self-educated with no formal education after grammar school, Smith wore out his local library and delved so deeply into the dictionary that his richly embellished, yet precise, prose leaves one with the sense that they are in the company of a true master of language.
Though Smith primarily considered himself a poet, having turned to prose for the meager financial sum it rewarded, his prose might best be appreciated as a "fleshed" out poetry. In this light, plot and characters are subservient to the milieu of work: a setting of cold quiet reality, which, mixed with the erotic and the exotic, places his work within its own unique, phantasmagoric genre. While he also experimented in painting, sculpture, and translation, it is in his written work that his legacy persists.
During his lifetime, Smith's work appeared commonly in the pulps alongside other masters such H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, August Derleth, and E. Hoffmann Price and like many great artists, recognition and appreciation have come posthumously. In recent decades though, a resurgence of interest in his works has lead to numerous reprintings as well as scholarly critiques.
The Eldritch Dark is a site to facilitate both scholars and fans in their appreciation and study of Clark Ashton Smith and his works.
27 Feb, 2025 9:03AM by Minicthulhu
“The Vampire of Vourla (1854) by Anonymous.
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Re: A closer look at the poems of Clark Ashton Smith
22 Feb, 2025 6:22AM by Knygatin
“So, I was attempting to say, the personality seen in his handwriting clearly repeats itself in his creative work.… ”
Re: A closer look at the poems of Clark Ashton Smith
22 Feb, 2025 6:14AM by Knygatin
“Much is implied in the self-assurance of Smith's resolute and powerful handwriting. Its authorative expression is repeated in his poetry, prose, and sculpture (especially in those focusing on the distribution of mass rather than surface appearance). Less so in his drawings, which are more tentative in their lack of technical proficiency, even though often very… ”
Re: A closer look at the poems of Clark Ashton Smith
20 Feb, 2025 7:44AM by Knygatin
“The original manuscript of The Hashish-Eater in Smith's beautiful handwriting. Looks like it was written in the 1600s-1700s. A reincarnated knack, I presume.
link … ”
17 Feb, 2025 1:45PM by Knygatin
“In the letter from Smith dated "c. 15-23 February 1931", I happened to see two more pages in the Brown John Hay Library files, attached at the end of the letter. What happened to those pages in the book?
link … ”