{March 12, 1928}
Hast thou desired to love wherein the fervor of the mountain flames of autumn is mingled with all the tenderness of half-unfolded leaves and flowers in early spring?
Such is my love for thee.
Hast thou desired to love wherein they mystery and seclusion and enchantment of starlight are mingled with the warmth of the noontide sun upon unshadowed grass in may ?
Such us my love for thee.
Hast thou longed for kisses wherein the perfume of wilding blossoms is blended with the potent spice and fiery savour of some unknown and tropical fruit ?
Such kisses i shall share with thee.
Hast thou longed for pleasures wherein the softness of the melting clouds of moonset is mingled with a lightning the burns and dazzles ?
Such pleasures i shall share with thee.
From: Strange Shadows: The Uncollected Fiction and Essays of Clark Ashton Smith. Ed. Steve Behrends, Donald Sidney-Fryer and Rah Hoffman. Greenwood Press 1989.
Printed from: eldritchdark.com/writings/prose-poetry-plays/35
Printed on: March 30, 2025