In the Ultimate Valleys

Clark Ashton Smith

In ultimate lone valleys evermore,
Immutable large purple blossoms bloom;
Munificent unfading suns illume,
And amplest moons are perfect evermore.

The sole blue silence of the dreaming day,
In perfect arch, stands open o'er the land;
Flow'rs and horizons to the sun expand
In self-same silence thro the sleeping day.

But in the night, pale dolors dwell, and dreams
Impalpable take slow and spectral flight:
That lucid land forgetful, in the night,
Remembers flown and fugitive sad dreams.

And in an alien, immemorial vale,
Unworn immutable wan marbles are:
Round alters to an immemorial star,
The hushed winds worship in an alien vale.

In ultimate lone valleys evermore,
Immutable large purple blossoms bloom;
Munificent unfading suns illume,
And amplest moons are perfect evermore.

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Printed on: March 27, 2025