Although better known for my writings in the fantasy field, I have at different times turned out what is called the straight science fiction story. After due thought I have chosen THE UNCHARTED ISLE as my best—or, at least, my favorite—for several reasons. Of these, the first is that, while having a basis in theoretic science, the tale is not merely an ordinary science fiction story, but it can be read as an allegory of human disorientation.
Then, too, it is written in what I think is a literate style while at the same time being free from conventional plot complications. Neither is it cumbered with pseudo-technical explanatory matter. And lastly, because my work is always selected for fantasy, this story has not been selected for inclusion in other anthologies, leaving me happily free to offer it herewith as a fresh science fiction item.
I hope you enjoy the reading half as much as I enjoyed the writing.
"The Uncharted Isle" was composed April 21, 1930, and first appeared in Weird Tales in November of that year It was reprinted in Out of Space and Time Arkham House, 1942) in addition to the Margulies-Friend anthology and subsequent other collections.
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Printed on: March 12, 2025