Letter to George Sterling

From Clark Ashton Smith

Auburn, Calif.
Dec. 12th, 1911

My dear Mr. Sterling:

This isn't to remind you that you haven't reported yet on the poems that I sent you in October, for I am sure you have some good and sufficient reason for that. But I write to enclose a sonnet which I want you to accept as a tribute to your poetical genius. I only wish it were better, but whatever defects it may have, I wish you to believe that it is sincere. It's about my first attempt at a personal poem.

I presume that my "Ode to the Abyss" is still on the road (unless you've grown weary of having it rejected.) Do you think that you had better try continuing to place it? The poem does not seem salable to me, and besides, you've taken enough trouble on my account, anyway, for which I hardly know how to thank you. Of course, you're to keep the copy that you have.

I was in San Francisco for a couple of days in Nov. as the guest of an Auburn friend, and while there met your publisher, Mr. Robertson, who invited me to submit some of my work. I understand that if he undertook to publish it that he would assume all the losses,-and take all the profits, should there be any. What do you think of the plan? I have submitted nothing yet.

It does not seem possible that I can come to Carmel this Winter; though if wishing could get me there, I'd have been down long ago. But I'll get down next Summer, (providing your invitation holds) if I have to ride on a box car.

Believe me, yours most sincerely,
Clark Ashton Smith

Originally published in Mirage, 10 (1971), pp. 63-70.

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Printed on: March 28, 2025