With this second issue of The Dark Eidolon, the Journal of Clark Ashton Smith Studies (formerly Klarkash-Ton), we join the family of publications under the imprint of Necronomicon Press. For this I am indebted to publisher Marc A. Michaud; and at the same time my thanks go to Dr. Robert M. Price (Cryptic Publications) for producing and distributing the Journal's first issue.
The primary goal of this Journal, that of encouraging the production of new critical essays on the life and literary work of Clark Ashton Smith, is gradually being achieved. As evidence of this, I would cite the fine contribution of Mike Ashley to this issue, especially. Our secondary function, the reprinting earlier pieces of Smith criticism, is fulfilled this time around by Charles K. Wolfe's admirable assessment of Smith's literary viewpoint, "CAS, A Note on the Aesthetics of Fantasy", which first appeared in the Smith tribute issue of Harry Morris' Nyctalops (Silver Scarab Press; Issue #8,1972), and was later to be an influence on Wolfe's introduction to Smith's Planets and Dimensions. I am grateful to Professor Wolfe for his kind permission to reprint this substantial essay.
A very special thanks is due Gahan Wilson, for graciously producing his delightful cover illustration; additional thanks go to Rah Hoffman for supplying the photographs which accompany Francis T. Laney's memoir of their joint visit to Smith, to Robert H. Knox for The Dark Eidolon logo, and to Marc and Susan Michaud, Marie-Marthe Michaud, and S. T. Joshi for their help with preparing the texts.
Steve Behrends
Aurora, IL
12 June 1989
The Dark Eidolon: The Journal of Smith Studies #2
Printed from: eldritchdark.com/articles/criticism/24
Printed on: March 26, 2025